Because I’ve been listening to a MasterClass hosted by the Duffer brothers, the creators of the Netflix series Stranger Things, I’m adapting their outlining technique for script writing to help me get passed the writer’s block I’ve been experiencing around a play that I started in 2012. The idea that I learned from Matt and […]
“No, no, no. My children never wanted to leave home,” Louisa answers. “They told me so. Both of them.” “When did they tell you that?” “Right before they drove away.” “So, they were actually inside of their cars when they told you this? “Winnie was.” “All packed up?” “Yes.” “And, . . . where were […]
The Chevy’s bed is full of kids whose parents left– too busy now to stay for practice bunts and plays. My dad’s delivering place to place and house to house so sure of every street that driveways wave the truck towards open concrete. The players head inside– since supper awaits them atop the stove. I […]
The minute Christmas Day expires, the old decor is strone in piles amidst the plastic bins with lids. At once inspired, today is lifeless, dull, and worn.I plan a route to reach the closest Goodwill before the emptiness is seenand blame befalls on me. 9/16/23 Leander, TX Even though I love to decorate for Christmas, […]
The character of Louisa Cordova lives her days with purpose. Yesterday, in fact, she looked out the window a total of 17 times. The span of what she can see is limited, and she has to stay hidden behind the heavy, hunter green colored curtain. If the neighbors saw her looking out, they might wave […]
Brian: Who’s got a camera? I want you to see what success looks like. Neil Simon, Laughter on the 23rd Floor If you want to feel successful, it’s important to create archival proof of the smallest joy-filled moments in your life. Brian refers to needing a camera to record his achievement in this line from […]
Welcome to the blog–Exeunt Clown. A stage direction in Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus inspired the title of this blog–not because that’s one of my favorite plays–but because of the idea of the “clown” leaving the stage. Exeunt=Exit. Writers Write I am an Enneagram 7w6. This type is often referred to as “the clown.” I called […]