Exeunt Clown

Aug 14, 2023

Welcome to the blog–Exeunt Clown. This title was inspired by a stage direction in Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus–not because that’s one of my favorite plays–but because of the idea of the “clown” leaving the stage. Exeunt=Exit.

Writers Write

I am an Enneagram 7w6. This type is often referred to as “the clown.” I called my blog Exeunt Clown because I’m pretty tired of being the silliest person in the room. Like all enneagram 7s, I want to be taken seriously and not seen as a bumbling buffoon. So, I’ve finally started my blog (again). One thing 7s have trouble with is follow-through. Unfortunately, that’s me, and it’s always been me. My hope is that I can take myself seriously enough to create a discipline around blogging. Why? Writers write. Writers make time to write. Maintaining a blog requires that I do just that. No more emailing myself copies of my creations or keeping my writing in notebooks or saving it onto flash drives or printing out hard-copies and then storing them in file folders in case I lose all of my digital reserves.


This blog contains 3 categories:

  • 1. Wisdom from the Stage–where I take lines from plays and write about how they translate into real life.
  • 2. Original Poetry–where I’ll post my most recent poems experimenting with meter
  • 3. Writer’s Journal–where I will be working on the characters and plots for my plays and scripts in progress


I am not the clown! That’s my mantra for this documentation of myself.

Thank you for being here!

I am not the clown.

I am not the clown.
